NBP: – 8% in early April compared to the March average
The winter season for the gas industry (October 2015 to March 2016) closed with the NBP price very low at €15.4 /MWh ($4.9/MBtu), which is 30 to 46% lower than for the three previous winters. The downtrend that started in early 2015 resulted from a relatively abundant supply and a decline in the prices of contracts 100% indexed on oil. In fact, these prices defined the NBP trend. The decline continued in the first April quotations (-8% compared to March) as the NBP dropped below the €12/MWh ($4/MBtu) mark. The markets are expecting a minimum price of €11/MWh ($3.7/MBtu) during the summer. The fact that the volumes stored in Europe are relatively large partly explains the absence of price pressure.