Latest developments of the Egyptian gas industry

Egyptian marketed natural gas production has been steadily declining since 2009, as a result of the depletion of offshore mature gas fields and delays in new offshore developments (West Nile Delta), exacerbated by the political unrest. This downturn accelerated in 2013 (- 6%) and even further in 2014 (- 14%). In 2015, marketed production is estimated down 8.9% to 44.5 bcm, according to Cedigaz provisional estimates.

In a context of production shortfall, natural gas consumption declined from 52 bcm in 2013 to 48 bcm in 2014. In 2015, natural gas consumption stabilized despite the production decline as Egypt started importing gas after soaring power demand forced it to halt LNG exports.

With the first deliveries of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from the US, let’s take a look at the fast changing energy landscape

US shale gas: the first of five revolutions at the beginning of the XXI century

Three revolutions on the supply side: US shale gas, US shale oil and worldwide renewable

The US shale gas revolution is only the first (and most documented) of three revolutions that happened since the beginning of this century on the supply side. The world has changed thanks to the US shale revolutions (gas first and then oil) and a global quest for renewable. Those revolutions took over a decade but will shape the XXI century. Australia followed producing unconventional gas and is now also exporting it. It should take some time for unconventional oil and gas production to materialize in other places where the resource is available[1] (Argentina, Canada, China, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, etc.) but the US shale revolutions should be exported in a few other countries.

€100 billion to €170 billion Investment Needed in Underground Gas Storage to 2035

CEDIGAZ, has released today the sixth edition of its reference report on Underground Gas Storage. This updated edition entitled “The Underground Gas Storage & LNG Storage Market in the World 2015-2035” includes for the first time the coverage of LNG storage activity worldwide. The report includes detailed analyses of the latest developments and trends in the storage industry, CEDIGAZ’s Outlook to 2035 at regional and global levels, and extensive country analyses with complete datasets including current, under construction and planned UGS and LNG facilities for more 49 countries.


€100 billion to €170 billion Investment Needed in Underground Gas Storage to 2035

Estimated growth in working gas capacity to 2035Global UGS capacity is expected to increase from 413 bcm in 2015 to between 547 and 640 bcm in 2035. This wide range reflects the uncertainties surrounding the evolution of global gas markets plus the uncertainties specific to the gas storage business, such as challenging geology or the competition from other sources of flexibility. New storage markets, Asia-Oceania, the Middle East, and potentially Central and South America are expected to drive the growth. Conversely, the growth in working capacity should be limited in mature markets, and could even be negative in the EU.